ENG 100 Self-Driving Cars, Drones, and Beyond: An Intro to Autonomous Electronic Systems (Winter 18)IOE 265 Probability and Statistics for Engineers (undergraduate) (Summer 06, taught at SJTU) EECS 353 Introduction to Communication Systems (undergraduate) (Winter 06) EECS 401 Probabilistic Methods In Engineering (undergrad) (Fall 12, Fall 11, Fall 10, Winter 01, Winter 04, Fall 04) EECS 452 MDE: DSP Design Laboratory (Fall 15, Winter 14, Fall 13, Fall 09, Fall 08)EECS 489 Computer Networks (undergrad/grad) (Fall 02) EECS 554 Introduction to Digital Communications and Coding (graduate) (Fall 05, Fall 03) EECS 557 Communication Networks (graduate) (Winter 14, Winter 13, Winter 11, Winter 10, Winter 09, Winter 05, Winter 03, Fall 01, Fall 00) EECS 598 Special Topics: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation Techniques in Networking (graduate) (Winter 02) EECS 500 Graduate seminar series in communications and networks (Winter 04)