Mingyan Liu
Mingyan LiuAssociate Dean for Academic AffairsAlice L. Hunt Collegiate Professor of EngineeringProfessor, Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
(734) 764-9546 1301 Beal AvenueAnn Arbor, MI 48109-2122


The publications are organized by area.

A more up to date list can be found on my Google Scholar Page.

Cyber security and privacy

Wireless, mobile ad hoc, and sensor networks

Monographs and book chapters

Earlier publications (on TCP proxy, fixed point approximation, etc.)

* Lessons learned on research compliance

Internet measurement, data analytics, and cyber risk quantification


  1. A. Sarabi, P. Naghizadeh, Y. Liu and M. Liu, “Risky Business: Fine-grained Data Breach Prediction Using Business Profiles”, Journal of Cybersecurity, 2(1), pp. 15-28, Dec 2016.


  1. A. Sarabi and M. Liu, “Characterizing the Internet Host Population Using Deep Learning: A Universal and Lightweight Numerical Embedding”, International Measurement Conference (IMC), October 2018, Boston, MA.
  2. C. Xiao, A. Sarabi, Y. Liu, B. Li, M. Liu, and T. Dumitras, “From Patching Delays to Infection Symptoms: Using Risk Profiles for an Early Discovery of Vulnerabilities Exploited in the Wild”, USENIX Security Symposium, August 2018, Baltimore, MD. 
  3. A. Sarabi, Z. Zhu, C. Xiao, M. Liu and T. Dumitras, “Patch Me If You Can: A Study on the Effects of Individual User Behavior on the End-Host Vulnerability State”, The Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), March 2017, Sydney, Australia.
  4. Y. Liu, A. Sarabi, J. Zhang, P. Naghizadeh, M, Karir, M. Bailey, and M. Liu, “Cloudy with a Chance of Breach: Forecasting Cyber Security Incidents“, USENIX Security, August 2015, Washington, D. C.
  5. A. Sarabi, P. Naghizadeh, Y. Liu and M. Liu, “Prioritizing Security Spending: A Quantitative Analysis of Risk Distributions for Different Business Profiles“, Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), June 2015, Delft University, The Netherlands.
  6. Y. Liu, J. Zhang, A. Sarabi, M. Liu, M. Karir and M. Bailey, “Predicting Cyber Security Incidents Using Feature-Based Characterization of Network-Level Malicious Activities“, ACM International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics (IWSPA), in conjunction with CODASPY, March 2015, San Antonio, NM.
  7. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “Detecting hidden cliques from noisy observations“, ICASSP, April 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
  8. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “Detecting Hidden Propagation Structure and Its Application to Analyzing Phishing”, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), October 2014, Shanghai, China. Best Applications Paper Award.
  9. J. Zhang, Z. Durumeric, M. Bailey, M. Karir, and M. Liu, “On the mismanagement and maliciousness of networks”, Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, CA, February 2014.
  10. J. Zhang, A. Chivukula, M. Bailey, M. Karir, and M. Liu, “Characterization of Blacklists and Tainted Network Traffic”, Proceedings of the 14th Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Hong Kong, China, March 18 – 20, 2013.

Incentive mechanisms: public goods provision and cyber insurance


  1. M. Khalili, M. Liu and S. Romanosky, “Embracing and Controlling Risk Dependency in Cyber-insurance Policy Underwriting,” Journal on Cybersecurity, October 2018, accepted for publication.
  2. M. Khalili, P. Naghizadeh, and M. Liu, “Designing Cyber Insurance Policies: The Role of Pre-Screening and Security Interdependence”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (TIFS), 13(9), pp. 2226-2239, September 2018.
  3. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Provision of Public Goods on Networks: On Existence, Uniqueness, and Centralities”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), 5(3), pp. 225-236, July 2018. 
  4. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Opting out of Incentive Mechanisms: A Study of Security as a Non-Excludable Public Good”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11(12), pp. 2790-2803, August 2016.
  5. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Perceptions and Truth: A Mechanism Design Approach to Crowd-Sourcing Reputation”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 1, February 2016.


  1. M. Khalili, X. Zhang, and M. Liu, “Incentivizing Effort in Interdependent Security Games Using Resource Pooling”, The 14th Workshop on the Economics of Networks, Systems and Computation (NetEcon), June 2019, Phoenix, AZ.
  2. M. Khalili, M. Liu, and S. Romanosky, “Embracing and Controlling Risk Dependency in Cyber Insurance Policy Underwriting”, The Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), June 2018, Innsbruck, Austria.
  3. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “On the Uniqueness and Stability of Equilibria of Network Games”, Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (Allerton), October 2017, Allerton, IL.
  4. M. Khalili, P. Naghizadeh, and M. Liu, “Designing Cyber Insurance Policies in the Presence of Security Interdependence”, The 12th Workshop on the Economics of Networks, Systems and Computation (NetEcon), June 2017, Boston, MA.
  5. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Exit Equilibrium: Towards Understanding Voluntary Participation in Security Games”, IEEE Annual Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), April 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  6. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Inter-Temporal Incentives in Security Information Sharing Agreements”, Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA), February 2016, San Diego, CA.
  7. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Provision of Non-Excludable Public Goods on Networks: From Equilibrium to Centrality Measures”, Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (Allerton), September 2015, Allerton, IL.
  8. A. Sarabi, P. Naghizadeh, and M. Liu, “Can Less Be More? A Game-Theoretical Analysis of Filtering vs. Investment“, Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), November 2014, Los Angeles, CA.
  9. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Budget Balance or Voluntary Participation? Incentivizing Investments in Interdependent Security Games“, Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (Allerton), October 2014, Allerton, IL.
  10. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Voluntary Participation in Cyber-insurance Markets“, Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), June 2014, Pennsylvania State University, PA.
  11. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Closing the Price of Anarchy Gap in the Interdependent Security Game“, ITA, February 2014.
  12. P. N. Ardabili and M. Liu, “Establishing network reputation via mechanism design,” International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets), May 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Data privacy and (adversarial) machine learning


  1. C. Xiao, M. Liu, et al, “advIT: Adversarial Frames Identifier Based on Temporal Consistency In Videos”, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), November 2019, Seoul, South Korea.
  2. M. Khalili, X. Zhang, and M. Liu, “Contract Design for Purchasing Private Data Using a Biased Differentially Private Algorithm”, The 14th Workshop on the Economics of Networks, Systems and Computation (NetEcon), June 2019, Phoenix, AZ.
  3. D. Yang, C. Xiao, B. Li, J. Deng, and M. Liu, “MeshAdv: Adversarial Meshes for Visual Recognition”, Annual Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2019, Long Beach, CA. Accepted for oral presentation.
  4. X. Zhang, M. Khalili, and M. Liu, “Recycled ADMM: Improve Privacy and Accuracy with Less Computation in Distributed Algorithms”, Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (Allerton), October 2018, Allerton, IL.
  5. C. Xiao, R. Deng, B. Li, F. Yu, M. Liu, and D. Song, “Characterize Adversarial Examples Based on Spatial Consistency Information for Semantic Segmentation”, the European Conference on Computer Visions (ECCV), pp. 220-237, September 2018, Munich, Germany.
  6. X. Zhang, M. Khalili, and M. Liu, “Improving the Privacy and Accuracy of ADMM-Based Distributed Algorithms”, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), July 2018, Stock- holm, Sweden.
  7. C. Xiao, B. Li, J.-Y. Zhu, W. He, M. Liu, D. Song, “Generating Adversarial Examples with Adversarial Networks”, the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 3905-3911, July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
  8. C. Xiao, J.-Y. Zhu, B. Li, W. He, M. Liu, and D. Song, “Spatially Transformed Adversarial Examples”, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2018, Vancouver, Canada.

Sequential decision, resource allocation and online learning


  1. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “An Online Learning Approach to Improving the Quality of Crowd-Sourcing”, IEEE Transactions on Networking, accepted for publication, February 2017.
  2. Q. Wang and M. Liu, “Learning in Hide-and-Seek”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, accepted for publication, February 2015.
  3. L. M. Law, J. Huang and M. Liu, “Price of Anarchy of Wireless Congestion Games”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 3778-3787, October 2012.
  4. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Online Learning of Rested and Restless Bandits”, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 5588-5611, August 2012.
  5. C. Tekin, M. Liu, R. Southwell and J. Huang, S. Ahmad, “Atomic Congestion Games on Graphs and Their Applications in Networking”, IEEE Trans. on Networking, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1541-1552, October 2012.
  6. D. Kim and M. Liu, “Optimal Stochastic Routing in Low Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Internet Mathematics, vol. 9, nos. 2-3, pp. 161-198, June 2013.
  7. D. I Shuman, M. Liu, and O. Wu, “Energy efficient transmission scheduling with strict underflow constraints,” in IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 57, no. 3, March 2011. (This is the extended version of the WiOpt’08 paper). Here is a longer/full version of the paper; it can also be found on http://arxiv.org/abs/0908.1774.
  8. N. B. Chang and M. Liu, “Optimal Channel Probing and Transmission Scheduling for Opportunistic Spectrum Access,” IEEE Trans. on Networking, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1805-1818, December 2009. (This is the extended version of the Mobicom’07 paper)
  9. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Server Allocation With Delayed State Observation: Sufficient Conditions For the Optimality of an Index Policy,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1693-1705, April 2009.
  10. N. B. Chang and M. Liu, “Constrained Sequential Resource Allocation and Guessing Games,” IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 4946-4965, 2008.
  11. N. B. Chang and M. Liu, “Optimal Competitive Algorithms for Opportunistic Spectrum Access,” IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), special issue on Game Theory in Communication Systems, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1183-1192, September 2008.
  12. T. Stoenescu, M. Liu and D. Teneketzis, “Multirate Multicast Service Provisioning I: An Algorithm for Optimal Price Splitting Along Multicast Trees,” Mathematical Methods in Operations Research (MMOR), vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 199-228, 2007.
  13. T. Stoenescu, M. Liu and D. Teneketzis, “Multirate Multicast Service Provisioning II: A Tatonnement Process for Rate Allocation,” Mathematical Methods in Operations Research (MMOR), vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 389-415, 2007.
  14. N. Chang and M. Liu, “Controlled Flooding Search in a Large Network”, IEEE Trans. on Networking, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 436-449, April 2007.
  15. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Optimal Bandwidth Allocation in a Delay Channel” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), special issues on Nonlinear Optimization of Communication Systems, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1614-1626, August 2006.


  1. D. Dobakhashari, P. Naghizadeh, V. Gupta, and M. Liu, “A Reputation-Based Contract for Repeated Crowdsensing with Costly Verification”, American Control Conference (ACC), May 2017, Seattle, WA.
  2. J. Liu, Y. Liu, T. Basar, and M. Liu, “Distributed Belief Averaging Using Sequential Observations”, American Control Conference (ACC), May 2017, Seattle, WA.
  3. M. Moharrami, V. Subramanian, M. Liu and M. Lelarge, “Impact of Community Structure on Cascades”, ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), July 2016, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  4. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “Finding One’s Best Crowd: Online Learning By Exploiting Source Similarity”, the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), February 2016, Phoenix, AZ.
  5. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “An online learning approach to improving the quality of crowd-sourcing”, ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2015, Portland, OR.
  6. Q. Wang, M. Liu, and J. Mathieu, “Adaptive Demand Response: Online Learning of Restless and Controlled Bandits”, IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), November 2014, Venice, Italy.
  7. Q. Wang and M. Liu, “Learning in Hide-and-Seek”, IEEE Annual Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), April 2014, Toronto, Canada.
  8. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “Group learning and opinion diffusion in a broadcast network,” Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (Allerton), October 2013, Allerton, IL.
  9. Q. Wang, M. Liu and R. Jain, “Dynamic Pricing of Power in Smart-Grid Networks,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2012, Maui, Hawaii.
  10. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Online Learning in Decentralized Multi-user Spectrum Access with Synchronized Explorations,” IEEE Military Communication Conference (MILCOM), October 2012, Orlando, FL.
  11. Y. Gai, B. Krishnamachari and M. Liu, “Online learning for combinatorial network optimization with restless Markovian rewards,” in IEEE Communication Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), June 2012, Seoul, Korea. Honorable Mention
  12. Y. Liu, M. Liu and J. Deng, “Is Diversity Gain Worth the Pain: a Delay Comparison Between Opportunistic Multi-Channel MAC and Single-Channel MAC”, in IEEE INFOCOM Mini-Conference, March 2012, Orlando, FL.
  13. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Approximately Optimal Adaptive Learning in Opportunistic Spectrum Access”, in IEEE INFOCOM, March 2012, Orlando, FL.
  14. Y, Gai, B. Krishnamachari and M. Liu, “On the combinatorial multi-armed bandit problem with Markovian rewards”, in IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), November 2011.
  15. L. M. Law, J. Huang and M. Liu, “Price of anarchy of congestion games with player-specific constants”, in International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP), November 2011, Nanjing, China.
  16. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Adaptive Learning of Uncontrolled Restless Bandits with Logarithmic Regret”, in Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (Allerton), September 2011, Allerton, IL.
  17. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Performance and convergence of multi-user online learning”, in GameNets, April 2011, Shanghai, China.
  18. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Online learning in opportunistic spectrum access: a restless bandit approach”, in INFOCOM, April 2011, Shanghai, China.
  19. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Online learning with restless bandits and its application to opportunistic spectrum access”, in Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), February 2011, UC San Diego. Talk based on our Allerton and INFOCOM papers.
  20. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Online algorithms for the multi-armed bandit problem with Markovian rewards”, in Allerton Conference, September 2010, Allerton, IL.
  21. D. I Shuman and M. Liu, “Dynamic clock calibration via temperature measurement”, in Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2009, Shanghai, China.
  22. L. Law, J. Huang, M. Liu and S.-Y. Li, “Price of anarchy for cognitive MAC games”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom, November 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  23. D. Kim and M. Liu, “Optimal stochastic routing in low duty-cycled wireless sensor networks”, in the Fourth International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), November 2008, Maui, HI.
  24. D. I. Shuman and M. Liu, “Energy-Efficient Transmission Scheduling for Wireless Media Streaming with Strict Underflow Constraints”, in WiOpt’08, April 2008, Berlin, Germany.
  25. Y. Wang, M. Liu and D. Teneketzis, “Sensor scheduling for multiple parameters estimation under energy constraint”, in Proc. IEEE Military Communication Conference (MILCOM) , October 2006, Washington, D.C.
  26. N. Chang and M. Liu, “Controlled flooding search with delay constraints”, in IEEE INFOCOM , April 2006, Barcelona, Spain.
  27. N. Chang and M. Liu, “Delay constrained flooding search”, presented at Information Theory and Applications Workshop , February 2006, University of California, San Diego.
  28. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Dynamic bandwidth allocation for low power devices with random connectivity”, in IEEE Confercence on Decision and Control (CDC) , December 2005, Seville, Spain.
  29. N. Chang and M. Liu, “Optimal controlled flooding search in a large wireless network”, in Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt’05), April 2005, Trentino, Italy. A longer version can be found in Technical Report CGR 04-15, EECS Department, University of Michigan, 2004.
  30. N. Chang and M. Liu, “Revisiting the TTL-based controlled flooding search: optimality and randomization”, in ACM MobiCom , September 2004, Philadelphia, PA.
  31. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “On the optimality of an index policy for bandwidth allocation with delayed state observation and differentiated services”, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, March 2004, Hong Kong.
  32. T. M. Stoenescu, M. Liu and D. Teneketzis, “An approach to rate allocation in multicast”, in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2003, Maui, Hawaii.

Dynamic spectrum access and secondary market


  1. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “To Stay Or To Switch: Multiuser Dynamic Channel Access with Fast and Slow Changing Channels”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 14, issue 4, April 2015.
  2. S.-P. Sheng, M. Liu and R. Saigal, “Data-Driven Channel Modeling Using Spectrum Measurement,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 14, issue 9, pp. 1794-1805, September 2015.
  3. Y. Liu, M. Liu and S. H. A. Ahmad, “Sufficient Conditions on the Optimality of Myopic Sensing in Opportunistic Channel Access: A Unifying Framework”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 8, August 2014, pp. 4922-4940.
  4. S. Sheng and M. Liu, “Profit Incentive in Trading Non-Exclusive Access on a Secondary Spectrum Market Through Contract Design”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 22, issue 4, August 2014.
  5. Y. Liu, M. Liu and J. Deng, “Evaluating Opportunistic Multi-Channel MAC: Is Diversity Gain Worth the Pain?”, IEEE Journal Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 2301-2311, November 2013.
  6. J. Xu, Q. Wang, K. Zeng, M. Liu, “Sniffer Channel Assignment with Imperfect Monitoring for Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. PP, no. 99, October 2015.
  7. Q. Liang, M. Liu, and D. Yuan, “Channel estimation for opportunistic spectrum access: uniform and random sensing”, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, vol. 11, issue 8, pp. 1304-1316, August 2012.
  8. S. Yin, D. Chen, Q. Zhang, M. Liu and S. Li, “Mining Spectrum Usage Data: a Large-scale Spectrum Measurement Study”, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, vol. 11, issue 6, pp. 1033-1046, June 2012.
  9. S. H. Ahmad, M. Liu, T. Javidi, Q. Zhao and B. Krishnamachari, “Optimality of Myopic Sensing in Multi-Channel Opportunistic Access,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 4040-4050, September 2009. (This is the extended version of the ICC’08 paper)


  1. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “An Online Approach to Dynamic Channel Access and Transmission Scheduling”, ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), June 2015, Hangzhou, China.
  2. S.-P. Sheng, Y. Liu and M. Liu, “A regulated oligopoly multi-market model for trading smart data”, IEEE Workshop on Smart Data Pricing (SDP), April 2015, Hong Kong.
  3. J. Wu, Q. Wang, R. Jin, K. Zeng, and M. Liu, “Secondary user data capturing for cognitive radio network forensics under capturing uncertainty,” IEEE Military Conference (MILCOM), October 2014, Baltimore, MD.
  4. Y. Liu and M. Liu, “To stay or to switch: multiuser dynamic channel access”, IEEE Annual Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), April 2013, Turin, Italy.
  5. S.-P. Sheng and M. Liu, “Profit incentive in a secondary spectrum market: a contract design approach”, IEEE Annual Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), April 2013, Turin, Italy.
  6. S.-P. Sheng and M. Liu, “Optimal contract design for an efficient secondary spectrum market,” International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets), May 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  7. Y. Li, S.-P. Sheng, R. Saigal, M. Liu, D. Chen and Q. Zhang, “A stochastic differential equation model for spectrum utilization”, in Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), May 2011, Princeton, NJ.
  8. Q. Wang and M. Liu, “Throughput optimal switching in multi-channel WLANs”, in International workshop on Resource Allocation and Cooperation in Wireless Networks (RAWNET), May 2011, Princeton, NJ.
  9. Q. Liang, M. Liu and D. Yuan, “Channel estimation for opportunistic spectrum sensing: uniform and random sensing”, in Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA) , February 2010, University of California, San Diego.
  10. S. Ahmad and M. Liu, “Multi-channel opportunistic access: a case of restless bandits with multiple plays”, in Allerton Conference, October 2009, Allerton, IL.
  11. D. Chen, S. Ying, Q. Zhang, M. Liu and S. Li, “Mining spectrum usage data: a large-scale spectrum measurement study”, in Proc. ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), September 2009, Beijing, China.
  12. M. Liu, S. Ahmad and Y. Wu, “Congestion games with resource reuse and applications in spectrum sharing”, in International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets), May 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.
  13. J. Jia, Q. Zhang, Q. Zhang and M. Liu, “Revenue generation for truthful spectrum auction in dynamic spectrum access”, in ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), May 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  14. M. Liu and Y. Wu, “Spectrum sharing as congestion games”, in Allerton Conference , September 2008, Allerton, IL.
  15. T. Javidi, B. Krishnamachari, Q. Zhao and M. Liu, “Optimality of Myopic Sensing in Multi-Channel Opportunistic Access”, in IEEE ICC, May 2008, Beijing, China.
  16. N. Chang and M. Liu, “Competitive Analysis of Opportunistic Spectrum Access Strategies”, in IEEE INFOCOM, April 2008, Phoenix, AZ.
  17. N. Chang and M. Liu, “Optimal channel probing and transmission scheduling for opportunistic spectrum access”, in Proc. ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) , September 2007, pp. 27-38, Montreal, Canada.
  18. N. Chang and M. Liu, “Optimal Channel Probing and Transmission Scheduling in a Multichannel System”, presented at Information Theory and Applications Workshop , February 2007, University of California, San Diego.

Wireless/Sensor networks: performance modeling and energy efficiency


  1. C. Wu, Z. Zhou, Y. Liu and M. Liu, “Mitigating Large Errors in WiFi-based Indoor Localization for Smartphones,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66(7), pp. 6246-6257, July 2017.
  2. X. Ji, J. Wang, M. Liu, Y. Yan, P. Yang, and Y. Liu, “Hitchhike: A Preamble-based Control Plane for SNR-sensitive Wireless Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1239-1251, February 2016.
  3. Q. Wang and M. Liu, “Throughput Optimal Switching in Multi-Channel WLANs,”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12, issue 12, pp. 2470-2482, December 2013. Appendix here.
  4. A. Jindal, K. Psounis and M. Liu, “CapEst: A Measurement-based Approach to Estimating Link Capacity in Wireless Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 2098-2108, December 2012.
  5. C. Hsin and M. Liu, “Hitting Time Analysis for a Class of Random Packet Forwarding Schemes in Ad Hoc Networks,” Journal of Ad Hoc Networks , vol. 7, issue 3., pp. 500-513, May 2009.
  6. C. Hsin and M. Liu, “Randomly Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Networks: Dynamics of Coverage”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 3182-3192, November 2006.
  7. C. Hsin and M. Liu, “A Two-Phase Self-Monitoring Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Computer Communications special issue on Sensor Networks, vol. 29, issue 4, pp. 462-476, February 2006.
  8. E. J. Duarte-Melo and M. Liu, “Data-gathering wireless sensor networks: organization and capacity”, Computer Networks (COMNET) Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks, Vol 43, Issue 4, pp. 519-537, November 2003.
  9. J. Xie, R. Talpade, T. McAuley, and M. Liu, “AMRoute: Ad Hoc Multicast Routing Protocol”, ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal , 7(6): 429-439, Dec 2002.


  1. Y. Liu, M. Liu and J. Deng, “Revisiting optimal power control: its dual effects on SNR and nontention”, International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements and Experimentation (WiNMeE), May 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia, in conduction with WiOpt 2014.
  2. Q. Wang, S.-P. Sheng, J. Abernethy and M. Liu, “Jamming defense against a resource-replenishing adversary in multi-channel wireless systems”, International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), May 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia.
  3. X. Ji, J. Wang, M. Liu, Y. Yan, P. Yang, Y. Liu, “Hitchhike: Riding Control on Preambles,” IEEE Annual Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), April 2014, Toronto, Canada.
  4. Q. Wang and M. Liu, “When simplicity meets optimality: efficient transmission power control with stochastic energy harvesting”, IEEE Annual Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) Mini-Conference, April 2013, Turin, Italy. Q. Wang and M.Liu, “Joint control of transmission power and channel switching against adaptive jamming,” Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (Allerton), October 2013, Allerton, IL.
  5. A. Jindal, K. Psounis and M. Liu, “CapEst: Estimating wireless link capacity in multi-hop networks,” in Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), February 2011, UC San Diego.
  6. R. Rao and M. Liu, “Latency-optimizing file splitting for transmission over a large multi-hop network”, in Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), February 2011, UC San Diego.
  7. A. Josan, M. Liu, D. Neuhoff and S. Pradhan, “Throughput Scaling in Random Wireless Networks: A Non-Hierarchical Multipath Routing Strategy”, in Proc. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton) , September 2007, Allerton, IL.
  8. E. Duarte-Melo, A. Josan, M. Liu, D. L. Neuhoff, and S. S. Pradhan “The effect of node density and propagation model on throughput scaling of wireless networks”, in International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) , July 2006, Seattle, WA.
  9. D. Shuman and M. Liu, “Optimal sleep scheduling of a wireless sensor node”, in Proc. Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , October 2006, Monterey, CA.
  10. E. J. Duarte-Melo, M. Liu and A. Misra, “An Efficient and Robust Computational Framework for Studying Lifetime and Information Capacity in Sensor Networks”, ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) special issue on Energy Constraints and Lifetime Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks, vol. 10, no. 6, December 2005.
  11. D. Kim, C. Hsin and M. Liu, “Asymptotic connectivity of low duty-cycled wireless sensor networks”, in Proc. MILCOM , October 2005, Boston, MA.
  12. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Minimizing Power Consumption in Sensor Networks with Quality of Service Requirement”, in Annual Allerton Confercence on Communications, Control and Computing (Allerton 2005),, September 2005, Allerton, IL.
  13. T. Javidi, M. Liu and R. Vijayakumar, “Saturation Rate in 802.11 Revisited”, in Annual Allerton Confercence on Communications, Control and Computing (Allerton 2005),, September 2005, Allerton, IL.
  14. C. Hsin and M. Liu, “Partial clustering: maintaining connectivity in a low duty-cycled dense wireless sensor network”, in Proc. 5th IEEE Workshop on Algorithms for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WMAN’05), April 2005, Denver, Colorado.
  15. C. Hsin and M. Liu, “Network Coverage Using Low Duty-Cycled Sensors: Random and Coordinated Sleep Algorithms”, in Proc. International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2004.
  16. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Properties of optimal resource sharing in a delay channel”, in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2004, Paradise Island, Bahamas.
  17. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Properties Of Optimal Power And Admission Control For A Single User In A Time Varying Wireless Channel”, in 42nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton 2004), September 2004, Allerton, IL.
  18. E. J. Duarte-Melo, M. Liu and A. Misra, “A modeling framework for computing lifetime and information capacity in wireless sensor networks”, 2nd WiOpt: Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, March 2004, Cambridge, UK.
  19. E. J. Duarte-Melo, M. Liu and A. Misra, “A computational approach to the joint design of distributed data compression and data dissemination in a data-gathering wireless sensor network”, in Proc. Allerton Conference, October 2003, IL. Invited paper.
  20. D. Marco, E. Duarte-Melo, M. Liu and D. L. Neuhoff, “On the many-to-one transport capacity of a dense wireless sensor network and the compressibility of its data”, in Proc. International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2003.

Structural health monitoring


  1. C. Lo, J. P. Lynch and M. Liu, “Distributed Reference-Free Fault Detection Method for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Sensors Journal, accepted for publication.
  2. C. Lo, J. P. Lynch and M. Liu, “Design and Optimization of a Distributive Model-Based Sensor Fault Detection Method for Automated In-Network Execution in a Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, accepted for publication, December 2016.
  3. C. Lo, J. P. Lynch, and M. Liu, “Distributed Model-based Nonlinear Sensor Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, pp. 470-484, 2016.
  4. A. Jindal and M. Liu, “Networked Computing in Wireless Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring”, IEEE Trans. on Networking, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1203-1216, August 2012.


  1. C. Lo, M. Liu, J. P. Lynch and A. G. Gilbert, “Efficient sensor fault detection using combinatorial group testing,” IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), pp. 199-206, May 2013, Cambridge, MA.
  2. C. Lo, M. Liu and J. P. Lynch, “Distributive model-based sensor fault diagnosis in wireless sensor networks,” IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), pp. 313-314, May 2013, Cambridge, MA.
  3. C. Lo, J. Lynch and M. Liu, “Decentralized failure detection in wireless sensor networks”, in International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), September 2011, Stanford, CA.
  4. C. Lo, J. Lynch and M. Liu, “Reference-free detection of spike faults in wireless sensor networks”, in International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS), August 2011, Boise, ID.
  5. A. Jindal and M. Liu, “Networked computing in wireless sensor networks for structural health monitoring”, in SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Nondestructive Evaluations and Health Monitoring, March 2011, San Diego, CA.

Soil moisture and low-power sensing


  1. X. Wu, Q. Wang and M. Liu, “In-situ Soil Moisture Sensing: Measurement Scheduling and Estimation Using Sparse Sampling”, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 11, issue 2, December 2014, pp. 26:1-26:29.
  2. X. Wu, M. Liu, and Y. Wu, “In-Situ Soil Moisture Sensing: Optimal Sensor Placement and Field Estimation”, ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 33:1-33:30, November 2012.
  3. A. Silva, M. Liu and M. Moghaddam, “An Adaptive Energy-Management Framework for Sensor Nodes with Constrained Energy Scavenging Profiles,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2013, Article ID 272849, pp. 1-33, October 2013.
  4. A. Silva, M. Liu and M. Moghaddam, “Ripple-2: a non-collaborative, asynchronous, and open architecture for highly-scalable and low duty-cycle WSNs”, ACM Journal Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), vol. 17, issue 1, January 2013, pp. 55-60.
  5. A. Silva, M. Liu and M. Moghaddam, “Power Management Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks and Similar Low-Power Communication Devices Based on Non-Rechargeable Batteries”, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (JCNC), vol. 2012, article ID 757291, September 2012.
  6. D. Shuman, A. Nayyar, A. Mahajan, Y. Goykhman, K. Li, M. Liu, D. Teneketzis, M. Moghaddam, and D. Entekhabi, “Measurement Scheduling for Soil Moisture Sensing: From Physical Models to Optimal Control”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Special Issue on Sensor Networks and Applications, vol. 98, no. 11, pp. 1918-1933, November 2010.
  7. M. Moghaddam, D. Entekhabi, Y. Goykhman, K. Li, M. Liu, A. Mahajan, A. Nayyar, D. Shuman, and D. Teneketzis, “A Wireless Soil Moisture Smart Sensor Web Using Physics-Based Optimal Control: Concept and Initial Demonstrations,” in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earch Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), vol. 3(4), pp. 522-535, December 2010.


  1. A. Silva, M. Liu and M. Moghaddam, “WSN-SA: Design Foundations for Situational Awareness Systems Based on Sensor Networks,” IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), October, 2013, San Jose, CA.
  2. A. Silva, M. Liu and M. Moghaddam, “Ripple-2:ANon-Collaborative,Asynchronous,andOpenArchitecture for Highly-Scalable and Low Duty-Cycle WSNs,” ACM International Workshop on Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networking (MiSeNet), August 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
  3. X. Wu and M. Liu, “In-Situ Soil Moisture Sensing: Measurement Scheduling and Estimation using Compressive Sensing”, in IEEE/ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2012, Beijing, China. Best paper award.

Mobility modeling

  1. J. Yoon, B. Noble and M. Liu, “Surface Street Traffic Estimation”, in the Fifth International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys) , June 2007, Puerto Rico.
  2. J. Yoon, M. Liu and B. Noble, “A general framework to construct stationary mobility models for the simulation of mobile networks”, in IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 860-871, July 2006.
  3. J. Yoon, B. Noble, M. Liu and M. Kim, “Building realistic mobility models from coarse-grained traces”, in the Fourth International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys) , June 2006, Uppsala, Sweden.
  4. J. Yoon, M. Liu and B. Noble, “Sound Mobility Models”, in Proc. ACM MobiCom, September 2003, San Diego, CA.
  5. J. Yoon, M. Liu and B. Noble, “Random Waypoint Considered Harmful”, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, vol 2, pp 1312-1321, April 2003, San Francisco, CA.

Monographs and book chapters

  1. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Online learning methods in networking”, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Networking, December 2014.
  2. P. Naghizadeh and M. Liu, “Voluntary Participation in Cyber-insurance Markets”, to appear in an edited Springer volume, J. Grossklags Ed. (This is the book chapter version of our WEIS 2014 paper (The Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security).)
  3. C. Tekin and M. Liu, “Performance and convergence of multiuser online learning and its application in dynamic spectrum sharing”, in Mechanisms and Games for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation, Tansu Alpcan, Holger Boche, Michael Honig, H. Vincent Poor (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, February 2014.
  4. A. Silva, M. Moghaddam and M. Liu, “The Future of Wireless Underground Sensing Networks: From Theory to Practice,” in The Art of Wireless Sensor Networks, Habib M. Ammari (Ed.), Springer, 2014.
  5. A. Silva, M. Liu and M. Moghaddam, “Design for Low Data-Rate Environmental Monitoring Appli- cations,” in The Art of Wireless Sensor Networks, Habib M. Ammari (Ed.), Springer, 2014.
  6. D. Shuman and M. Liu, “Opportunistic Scheduling with Deadline Constraints in Wireless Networks”, in Performance Models and Risk Management in Communication Systems, Nalan Gulpinar, Peter Harrison and Berc Rustem (Eds.), Springer, November 2010.
  7. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Server Allocation In Wireless Networks: The Use of Index Policies”, in Combinatorial Optimization in Communication Networks, Maggie Cheng, Yingshu Li and Ding-Zhu Du (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.
  8. E. Duarte-Melo and M. Liu, “Field Gathering Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Mobile, Wireless and Sensor Networks, Rajeev Shorey (Ed.), Wiley, 2005.
  9. M. Liu, “Performance Evaluation of TCP Splitting over Satellite”, Internetworking and Computing over Satellite Networks, Y. Zhang Ed., Kluwer Academics Publisher, 2003.

Other earlier publications (on TCP proxy, fixed point approximation, etc.)

  1. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Modeling TCP Performance with Proxies”, Journal of Computer Communications special issue on Protocol Engineering for Wired and Wireless Networks, Vol 27, Issue 10, pp. 961-975, June 2004.
  2. M. Liu and J. S. Baras, “Fixed Point Approximation for Multirate Multihop Loss Networks with Adaptive Routing”, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 361-374, April 2004.
  3. D. Kim and M. Liu, “Distributed admission control via Dual-Queue Management”, in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), October 2003, Orlando, FL.
  4. N. Ehsan and M. Liu, “Analysis of TCP Transient Behavior and Its Effect on File Transfer Latency”, in Proc. IEEE ICC , May 2003, Anchorage, Alaska.
  5. E. Duarte-Melo and M. Liu, “Analysis of energy consumption and lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom , November 2002, Taipei, Taiwan.
  6. C. Hsin and M. Liu, “A distributed monitoring mechanism for wireless sensor networks”, Workshop on Wireless Security (WiSe’02), September 2002, Atlanta.
  7. E. Duarte-Melo and M. Liu, “Energy efficiency in many-to-one communications in wireless networks”, invited paper, in Proc. IEEE 45th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS’02)”, August 2002, Tulsa.
  8. N. Ehsan, M. Liu, and Rod Ragland, “Evaluation of Performance Enhancing Proxies in Internet over Satellite”, in Wiley International Journal of Communication, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 513–534, 2003.
  9. N. Ehsan, M. Liu and R. Ragland, “Measurement Based Performance Analysis of Internet over Satellite”, 2002 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2002), July 2002, San Diego, CA.
  10. M. Liu and N. Ehsan, “Modeling TCP Performance with Proxies”, International Workshop on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC’02), in Proc. International Conference on Internet Computing (IC’02) , June 2002, Las Vegas, NV.
  11. M. Liu and N. Ehsan, “Modeling and Analysis of TCP Enhancement over Heterogeneous Links”, International Conference on Networking (ICN’01), July 2001.
  12. M. Liu and J. S. Baras, “Performance Analysis Using A Hierarchical Loss Network Model”, in Proc. Globecom, November 2000.
  13. M. Liu, J. S. Baras, S. M. Payne and H. Harrelson, “Modeling and Simulation of Large Hybrid Networks”, in Proc. Advanced Telecom. and Information Distribution Research Program (ATIRP) Conference, 1:201-206, February 1999.
  14. E. Bommaiah, M. Liu, A. McAuley, and R. Talpade, “AMRoute: Adhoc Multicast Routing Protocol”, Internet Draft, draft-manet-amroute-00.txt, August 1998.
  15. J. S. Baras, M. S. Corson, K. Jang, A. Misra, M. Liu, and H. Xie, “Hierarchical, Layered Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Communication Networks”, in Proc. MILCOM, 3:1313-1317, November 1997.

Lessons learned on research compliance

Between 2020 and 2021, Ranjan Pal was an assistant research scientist at the University of Michigan (UM) under the mentorship of Mingyan Liu.  He lead-authored six publications while affiliated with UM with both of us (the undersigned) listed as co-authors among others.  IEEE informed us in late 2021 that plagiarism was committed in two of his papers, taking material from references without clear attribution.  This was reported by Liu to UM’s research integrity office and their process was followed.  Dr. Pal resigned in early 2022.  

As co-authors we each are often only familiar with a subset of references and unable to detect the problem. While these papers may not be entirely without original ideas, the research style and the way the papers were written is so far removed from our own research practices that we have to disown them.  

However painful an experience, this is also a teachable moment:

1. Trust but with an abundance of caution.  As we engage in more and more inter- and multi-disciplinary work, we are often part of a large team, with each member bringing to the table something unique and complementary, be it skills, knowledge, or datasets.  Some level of trust is essential to research collaboration — if we have to verify (and have the expertise to verify) everything another person has done then we wouldn’t need a collaborator or a co-author.  But trust does not mean we shouldn’t ask questions. We should ask about each other’s practices and probe the provenance of key findings.  If something seems too good to be true, it is. 

2. If a project or paper involves someone outside our own research groups and/or another independent researcher (by which we include postdoc, research scientist, faculty, practitioner), we should adopt the practice of requiring everyone to write down their exact contributions to the project/paper.  This process will force everyone to reflect and articulate their work in the context of the completed project/paper, and to justify their inclusion as a co-author. Conversely, it also gives a researcher who is only tangentially involved a good way and reason to graciously decline to be included. 

Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge)
Mingyan Liu (University of Michigan)